Business messages contain sensitive information that must be safeguarded and kept private by the organization. Your business might be using different platforms to communicate with customers, employees, and many other stakeholders, but how do you know your conversations are safe?
It can be tricky to determine whether your business messages are vulnerable. From lack of efficient text message archiving to sudden activity spikes, here are the signs to look out for:
Absence of Archiving Solutions
A text message archiver is a tool used to monitor, capture, and store all of the messages sent to and from the organization. While archivers do not typically deter outside attacks, the lack of proper archiving software will put your company in danger of legal violations.
Many regulatory agencies mandate that all businesses in every industry have an archiver for their messages. Without one, your company might suffer from hefty penalties and reputational damage arising from lawsuits.
Slow Connection and Response
There are times when internet connection is slow, but this could also be a sign of a cyberattack. Sudden slow loading times in instant messaging platforms could indicate a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, wherein servers are flooded with excessive traffic until it crashes.
If your instant messaging app responds too slowly out of nowhere, have it inspected by IT security immediately.
Frequent Pop-Ups
Some instant messaging platforms feature advertisements on their site’s user interface (UI). While they are often only seen as annoying, some pop-up ads contain spyware that is secretly leeching company data in conversations.
Malicious pop-up ads often originate from unsafe links sent via phishing (a cybercrime that involves sending links from a seemingly trustworthy source). Some come from infected downloads and suspicious emails.
Unauthorized Access
Many instant messaging platforms allow users to create private group chats where only select people can converse and access files sent there. Information about the group chat includes the names of the members; make it a habit to check who is included in these groups.
If you see an unknown person included in the group chat, remove them immediately. Chances are that it is malware or hackers accessing sensitive files without authorization.
Disabled Programs and Restricted Access
Cybercriminals will usually disable security features that protect business messages from outside attacks, such as antivirus and two-factor authentication. In some cases, the hacker will restrict employees from accessing previous conversations. These events are typically the sign of a major cyberattack.
Have your IT investigate when you notice such things happening. Additionally, make it a habit to constantly change passwords, install and update security systems and antivirus, and monitor all messaging activity.
Keep an Eye on Business Messages
Attacks on business messages are frightening, but there are several ways you can prevent them from occurring. You can begin by investing in a powerful message-archiving solution innovated by LeapXpert for professional monitoring.