archiveNovember 8, 2022



The so-called “sharing economy” is where people share items or services, typically online. Using various apps and software, it’s possible to rent things for a day, for a week—or for some minutes. But what has this got to do with blockchain technology? Let’s dig deeper. What is the sharing economy?...

Change The Face Of E-Commerce With Hyperlocal Delivery Apps

Hyperlocal delivery methodologies have only recently begun to be incorporated into the eCommerce ecosystem. Hyperlocal online delivery enables eCommerce businesses to reach their customers quickly. Since speedy and hassle-free delivery is what customers want most from their delivery experience, hyperlocal delivery is quickly gaining popularity among many eCommerce businesses. Due...

How To Melt Snow From Sidewalks Without Harming Them

You can melt snow from your driveway with deicing agents that can be seen at ninja deicer for example. Most ice-melting chemicals are safe to use once in a while on sidewalks that are older than a year. However, before using an anti-icing product, always apply it according to the...

How To Buy A Camping Tent

Anyone who has had the opportunity to go camping has probably realized that this activity can be pleasurable and relaxing when it goes well and quite stressful when it goes wrong. It is essential to be prepared: bring suitable equipment, maps and references of the place visited, food, repellents and...