- The sort of product you intend to send: are they flat, rolled, or documents? Do you wish to mail very huge things or electronic content?
- The product’s brittleness: items that are brittle or sensitive to stains and scratches require extra caution.
- The budget: Some packaging materials, especially single- or double-flute cardboard boxes, are especially advantageous. Now that you are aware of these key points, you might wish to explore your possibilities.
Once the objects have been strapped and protected (using bubble wrap, for example), place them inside the packing box like in Brandt Box for example or post box and fill in the empty spaces with stuffing material (using jamming particles or bubble wrap, for example). It is spaced by filling the empty spaces with packing and wedging materials. This avoids possible shocks between them and, therefore, the risk of damage.
If an object has protruding corners, double the protection with packaging Stretch Wrap and circle them using corrugated cardboard and bubble wrap or post box, depending on your needs) that you have chosen must be large enough to contain your objects without anything protruding, but it must also be adapted to the size of the contents to avoid movements that can cause damage to the objects in question. It is important to choose the appropriate packaging medium because during transport and storage, the objects can be subjected to various external elements and disturbances which risk more/or less damaging them:
- weather conditions
- temperature variations
- shocks, impacts, pressures, jolts, etc., due to handling and storage
- flights etc
The Closure
Here is an equally important step to ensure the resistance of your package. To properly strap your shipping packaging, you must use strong packing tape. Close using the H method (middle part and ends). It is recommended to securely encircle the packaging cardboard on the top and bottom using several adhesive strips. There is a wide choice of more/or less resistant packaging adhesives (tearing, water, etc.) and of variable types. In the case of fragile objects, it is preferable, for example, to choose an adhesive with a “Fragile” strip.
Did you know that defective packaging and insufficient or unsuitable labeling are the most common reasons for the loss, theft, and damage? Labeling is the fourth important step in achieving compliant and secure packaging. The shipping label must:
- include the recipient’s full address
- be legible and indelible
- be correctly positioned on the packaging box (on the most visible side)
- be positioned outside the flaps and cannot be used in place of the adhesive
Here are some practical tips that we hope will be useful to help you achieve safer and more resistant packaging.